Francesca Vidotto


Quantum Gravity group


Prof. Renate Loll (CDT)
Prof. Jan Ambjørn (CDT)
Dr. Frank Saueressig (Asymtotic Safety)


Dr. Adriano Contillo (Asymtotic Safety)
Dr. Joshua Cooperman (CDT)
Dr. Sean Gryb (Shape Dynamics - VENI fellow)
Dr. Mercedes Martin-Benito (LQG - VENI fellow)
Dr. Francesca Vidotto (LQG - Rubicon fellow)
Dr. Omar Zanusso (Asymtotic Safety)

PhD Students

Luis Pires (CDT)

Our group is part of the Department of Theoretical High Energy Physics
directed by Prof. Ronald Kleiss.
We work in contact with the Mathematical Physics group,
in particular with Prof. Klaas Landsman (Quantization and operator algebra)
and Dr. Walter van Suijlekom (Noncommutative Geometry).






Visiting address
Huygens Building
room HG02.827
Heyendaalseweg 135 
6525 AJ Nijmegen 
The Netherlands

Mobile: +31 6 80 83 24 01
Office: +31 2 43 65 28 22
Fax: +31 2 43 65 21 91

Postal address
Faculty of Science
Mailbox 79
P.O. Box 9010 
6500 GL Nijmegen 
The Netherlands